Mergers & Acquisitions

Acquisition of companies

Acquisition of companies

You want to expand your business – in Germany, on European level or internationally? You have, possibly with our help, strategically defined your company’s position? To rely on internal growth of your company takes too much time and is too expensive? You are not competitive anymore?

Search mandate

If the strategy for the acquisition is established, we will support you in finding a company that is suitable for you to buy. You entrust the M & A LOGISTICS GmbH i.L. with a qualified search mandate. Our general procedure is as follows:

Phase 1: Strategy design

  1. Strategic definition of the company’s position and company analysis
  2. Structuring and agreement on acquisition strategy
  3. Developing a search profile

Phase 2: Finding potential contractual partners

  1. Analysis of the market potential of suitable sellers (Long List)
  2. Screening of the list in agreement with the buyer
  3. Anonymous contacting of the selected sellers
  4. Identifying of suitable sell candidates in agreement with the buyer (Short List)
  5. Preparation of an information memorandum for the buyer

Phase 3: Contacting and due diligence review

  1. Visiting of the object of purchase
  2. Start of negotiations with the potential sellers
  3. Examination of due diligence of the buyer and disclosure of the seller’s company’s data
  4. Negotiating the purchase price
  5. Structuring of the acquisition
  6. Letter of intent

Phase 4: Negotiation and conclusion of the contract

  1. Draft contract designed by external law and tax consultants
  2. Final negotiations
  3. Notarial conclusion of the contract
  4. Handover / Closing (transition date)